I am Yohsuke T. Fukai, a postdoctoral researcher in the non-equilibrium physics of living matter research group of Riken Hakubi (Kobe, Japan). I have studied universal fluctuation in non-equilibrium systems, in particular interfacial fluctuation and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class, as well as pattern formation in liquid crystal electroconvection.
I am now focusing on biological questions related to cell differentiation and chromatin structure. I perform biophysical experiments in the non-equilibrium physics of living matter Riken Hakubi research team, RIKEN, BDR. I also have a passion for software development and am a keen contributor to open source projects.
Chromatin organization plays a crucial role in gene regulation [1, 2, 3], but disentangling the contributions of various epigenetic components to gene-scale chromatin structure remains challenging. While in vitro chromatin reconstitution enables controlled studies on the effect of bio-chemical factors on the structure, current methods are either limited to short arrays or lack control over histone modification patterns. Here we directly test how histone modification affects higher-order chromatin architecture by characterizing gene-scale reconstituted chromatin using single-molecule microscopy and in vitro Hi-C. We reconstitute 20-kilobase chromatin arrays with histone modification patterns controlled at 12-nucleosome resolution, achieving complete assembly of 96 nucleosomes in the designed order as confirmed by atomic force microscopy and longread sequencing. Observing end-to-end fluctuations of the reconstituted arrays, we find that increasing the density of acetylated nucleosomes leads to larger structural fluctuations with longer relaxation times, consistent with the predictions of a polymer model with hydrodynamic interactions. We demonstrate through in vitro Hi-C how acetylation reduces contact frequency between nucleosomes and induces open conformations. In heterogeneously modified arrays, differential contact probabilities between acetylated and unmodified regions lead to distinct structural domains. The results establish the physical principles by which histone modifications directly modulate chromatin architecture through altered nucleosome-nucleosome interactions, providing a quantitative framework for understanding and engineering genome organization.
@misc{fukai_2024,title={Gene-Scale in Vitro Reconstitution Reveals Histone Acetylation Directly Controls Chromatin Architecture},author={Fukai, Yohsuke T. and Kujirai, Tomoya and Wakamori, Masatoshi and Kanamura, Setsuko and Yamauchi, Lisa and Zeraati, Somayeh and Tanegashima, Chiharu and Kadota, Mitsutaka and Kurumizaka, Hitoshi and Umehara, Takashi and Kawaguchi, Kyogo},year={2024},month=nov,pages={2024.11.08.622658},publisher={bioRxiv},doi={10.1101/2024.11.08.622658},archiveprefix={bioRxiv},}
LapTrack: Linear Assignment Particle Tracking with Tunable Metrics
Particle tracking is an important step of analysis in a variety of scientific fields and is particularly indispensable for the construction of cellular lineages from live images. Although various supervised machine learning methods have been developed for cell tracking, the diversity of the data still necessitates heuristic methods that require parameter estimations from small amounts of data. For this, solving tracking as a linear assignment problem (LAP) has been widely applied and demonstrated to be efficient. However, there has been no implementation that allows custom connection costs, parallel parameter tuning with ground truth annotations, and the functionality to preserve ground truth connections, limiting the application to datasets with partial annotations.We developed LapTrack, a LAP-based tracker which allows including arbitrary cost functions and inputs, parallel parameter tuning and ground-truth track preservation. Analysis of real and artificial datasets demonstrates the advantage of custom metric functions for tracking score improvement from distance-only cases. The tracker can be easily combined with other Python-based tools for particle detection, segmentation and visualization.LapTrack is available as a Python package on PyPi, and the notebook examples are shared at https://github.com/yfukai/laptrack. The data and code for this publication are hosted at https://github.com/NoneqPhysLivingMatterLab/laptrack-optimisation.Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
@article{fukai_2023,title={{{LapTrack}}: Linear Assignment Particle Tracking with Tunable Metrics},shorttitle={{{LapTrack}}},author={Fukai, Yohsuke T and Kawaguchi, Kyogo},year={2023},month=jan,journal={Bioinformatics},volume={39},number={1},pages={btac799},issn={1367-4811},doi={10.1093/bioinformatics/btac799},urldate={2023-04-05},}
Initial Perturbation Matters: Implications of Geometry-Dependent Universal Kardar–Parisi–Zhang Statistics for Spatiotemporal Chaos
Yohsuke T. Fukai, and Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, Jan 2021
Infinitesimal perturbations in various systems showing spatiotemporal chaos (STC) evolve following the power laws of the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang (KPZ) universality class. While universal properties beyond the power-law exponents, such as distributions and correlations and their geometry dependence, are established for random growth and related KPZ systems, the validity of these findings to deterministic chaotic perturbations is unknown. Here, we fill this gap between stochastic KPZ systems and deterministic STC perturbations by conducting extensive simulations of a prototypical STC system, namely, the logistic coupled map lattice. We show that the perturbation interfaces, defined by the logarithm of the modulus of the perturbation vector components, exhibit the universal, geometry-dependent statistical laws of the KPZ class despite the deterministic nature of STC. We demonstrate that KPZ statistics for three established geometries arise for different initial profiles of the perturbation, namely, point (local), uniform, and “pseudo-stationary” initial perturbations, the last being the statistically stationary state of KPZ interfaces given independently of the Lyapunov vector. This geometry dependence lasts until the KPZ correlation length becomes comparable to the system size. Thereafter, perturbation vectors converge to the unique Lyapunov vector, showing characteristic meandering, coalescence, and annihilation of borders of piece-wise regions that remain different from the Lyapunov vector. Our work implies that the KPZ universality for stochastic systems generally characterizes deterministic STC perturbations, providing new insights for STC, such as the universal dependence on initial perturbation and beyond.
@article{fukai_2021,title={Initial Perturbation Matters: {{Implications}} of Geometry-Dependent Universal {{Kardar}}\textendash{{Parisi}}\textendash{{Zhang}} Statistics for Spatiotemporal Chaos},shorttitle={Initial Perturbation Matters},author={Fukai, Yohsuke T. and Takeuchi, Kazumasa A.},year={2021},journal={Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science},volume={31},number={11},pages={111103},publisher={{American Institute of Physics}},issn={1054-1500},doi={10.1063/5.0071658},copyright={All rights reserved},}
Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Interfaces with Curved Initial Shapes and Variational Formula
We study fluctuations of interfaces in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class with curved initial conditions. By simulations of a cluster growth model and experiments with liquid-crystal turbulence, we determine the universal scaling functions that describe the height distribution and the spatial correlation of the interfaces growing outward from a ring. The scaling functions, controlled by a single dimensionless time parameter, show crossover from the statistical properties of the flat interfaces to those of the circular interfaces. Moreover, employing the KPZ variational formula to describe the case of the ring initial condition, we find that the formula, which we numerically evaluate, reproduces the numerical and experimental results precisely without adjustable parameters. This demonstrates that precise numerical evaluation of the variational formula is possible at all, and underlines the practical importance of the formula, which is able to predict the one-point distribution of KPZ interfaces for general initial conditions.
@article{fukai_2020,title={Kardar-{{Parisi}}-{{Zhang Interfaces}} with {{Curved Initial Shapes}} and {{Variational Formula}}},author={Fukai, Yohsuke T. and Takeuchi, Kazumasa A.},year={2020},volume={124},pages={060601},publisher={{American Physical Society}},doi={10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.060601},copyright={All rights reserved},journal={Physical Review Letters},number={6},}
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